Technology Integration in Repositioning Education for Sustainable Youth Empowerment and National Development

Eya Patrick Eke(1), Eya Gloria Mgboyibo(2),

(1) Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, Jabi Abuja.
(2) Department of Business and Entrepreneurship Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology
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The paper made a case for integrating technology into education as a panacea for the repositioning of education that will sustain youth empowerment and ensure National Development in Nigeria; The youth was defined in terms of age. Several definitions were cited but that of Nigeria definition of 12 to 30 years of age was accepted for this paper. The paper points out that the youth has overwhelming population in every country and if harnessed properly will sustain National Development. Technology integration was discussed and the merits and challenges highlighted. Youth empowerment situation in Nigeria was equally discussed. The causes and consequences of unemployment were x-rayed. Conclusion was drawn and the paper outlined seven recommendations based on the discussions to sustainable youth empowerment and National Development to include recognition of the youth, fixing power, provision of free internet, subsidizing cost of technologies like computer, training and retraining of teachers, improving conditions of teachers and guiding the learners on the proper and positive use of mobile technologies to promote effective and efficient learning.


Education; technology integration; youth empowerment; national development.

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