The following are the guidelines for preparing manuscripts for submission.

  1. Language of manuscript: This should be written in English with strict adherence to British standard.
  2. Paper size, Font and Length: Articles prepared are to be in Microsoft word on A4 size paper using Times New Romans font size 12, 1.5 line-spacing and not more than 7000 words, including references.
  3. Title / Title Page: The manuscript title should not be too lengthy, but should be informative. Also, the title page should capture author(s) name(s) with surname (s) in uppercase, institution affiliation(s), current mailing address(es), valid e-mail address(s), phone no(s), and full postal address of the main author and co-author(s).
  4. Abstract: This should be informative and not more than 200 indicating purpose, study approach, findings, recommendation and conclusion with a maximum of 5 keywords. Ambiguities of keywords should be avoided.
  5. Organisation of the Content: The article should be explicitly presented under various headings and sub-headings and the ideas should be properly organised, coherent and sequential. More importantly, the following should be taken into consideration while preparing empirical papers: Introduction, problem statement, objective, review of related literature, methodology, research / findings, conclusion and recommendations.
  6. Arrangement of Tables / Figures: The tables / figures should be arranged properly and neatly using APA style and the title of the tables should appear on the top;e.g. Table 1, Table 2 etc. and figures below spill over of table to the next page should be avoided.
  7. Arrangement of Text-Quotations: Indentation of 1.5 should in both left and right should be used for a particular quotation that is up to 40 words or more. Hence, the page numbers of the quotation should be provided in bracket at the end of the quoted words or passages.
  8. Findings / Results: This should be clearly presented in tables and figures with necessary headings / subheadings. However, it is important to re-present research questions or hypotheses in this section.
  9. Referencing Style: The in-text citations and references should be in line with the current/latest version of American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. Please, you can visit www.apastyle.orgto familiarise yourself with APA referencing style.
  10. Submission: It is advisable that authors do strictly follow the guidelines while preparing the manuscripts prior to the final submission. Therefore, the submission should be done electronically via e-mail: [email protected]