Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology: Differential Effects of Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Gender and Age

Adesina Olusola .J.(1), Adesina Abiodun. E.(2),

(1) Department of Educational Psychology
(2) Department of General Studies Education, School of Education, Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo
Corresponding Author


The efficacy of flipped methodology is adequately reported, there is dart of evidence on the pre-service science teachers’ perception of the novel pedagogy. Therefore, the study investigated perception of flipped instructional methodology the differential effects of pre-service science teachers’ gender and age in Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo. Two research questions and three hypotheses guided the study, adopting mixed method, both qualitative and quantitative approaches (concurrent triangulation) to the research. 476 pre-service science teachers were randomly selected for the study. Two instruments; Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology Questionnaire (PFIMQ, R=.73) and Perception of Flipped Instructional Methodology Interview (PFIMI, IRR=.81) were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to test the set hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings showed that majority of the pre-service science teachers preferred flipped methodology to conventional lecture method There is a significant pre-service science NCE teachers’ perception of flipped methodology (N = 476, = 34.60; SD = 7.39; df = 475, t = 35.71, p < .05). The perception of flipped methodology was not differed by gender and respondents’ age. It was therefore recommended that tertiary Institutions’ lecturers should adopt flipped methodology to interact with their students and that tertiary institutions’ management to organise seminars, symposia, lectures and workshops on the strategies to implement effectively the flipped methodology by the lecturers.


Flipped instructional methodology, Pre-service science teachers’ gender, Pre-service science teachers’ age

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