Leadership Quality Assurance Efforts in Nigerian Secondary Schools: Essential Ingredient for Attainment of Educational Objectives

(1) Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
(2) Providence University College, Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada.

Quality educational leadership has been an area of great interest to researchers, government and other stakeholders all over the world, having been found to be playing an essential role in attainment of educational objectives of every nation. Educational organisations are designed to serve specific purposes and to carry out certain functions, thus, every educational system needs quality leadership to inspire, motivate and provide the employees with role models that will enable them strive to attain set objectives. This paper examined the level of leadership quality assurance efforts in Nigerian secondary schools towards attaining educational objectives as stipulated in the National Policy on Education and in line with the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO 9000) guidelines, global Education For All (EFA) initiative. In this regard, objective selection of school principals as leaders as well as regular performance appraisal and motivation have been found to be effective tools in assuring quality leadership for attaining educational objectives in Nigerian secondary schools.
Quality Assurance, Quality Leadership, Educational Objectives.
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