Students’ Perception of the Effectiveness of Literature-in-English for Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills

Foluke Fatimayin(1),

(1) Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, Faculty of Education, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja
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Drawing on the numerous acclaimed benefits of literature-in-English on language learning, this study seeks to determine whether the teaching and learning of Literature-in-English can enhance students’ reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. It would also ascertain the reasons for the decline in students’ enrolment. The study used the survey research method and the sample was made up of 100 purposively selected senior secondary class two literature students drawn from four randomly selected public secondary schools in Kurudu and Jikwoyi axis of Abuja. The instrument used for data collection was a researcher-designed questionnaire with 20 items adapted from Jie, Yuhong and Yuan (2014). The research questions were analysed using frequency count, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Findings indicated that respondents perceive the dislike for reading, high cost of books, teaching methods and difficult/unfamiliar words as factors responsible for the decline in literature enrolment. Findings also showed that all the respondents believe that literature can enhance their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Based on these findings, it was recommended that Literature should be made compulsory for all students. Training and retraining, workshop and seminars should be arranged for teachers to expose them to creative methods for teaching English and literature. Teachers should use effective, creative learner centred methods to get students interested and motivated to study literature and Government should provide needed texts in quantities large enough for students’ use. These can be placed in the school libraries.


Effectiveness, Enhancing, reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, perception.

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